Share your feedback or request new features on our Github

At Shelf, we highly appreciate customer feedback and feature suggestions submitted via our GitHub page. In fact, many of the improvements made to our platform over time have stemmed directly from user input. Continue engaging with us on GitHub to help shape future updates and enhancements.

Share a feature request

Want to suggest a feature improvement that could optimize your workflow? Follow these simple steps to share your idea with us:

You can submit a feature request on our Github page
You can submit a feature request on our Github page
  • Choose Feature request, and click Get started
  • Don't hold back - feel free to provide detailed descriptions and context when submitting your feature idea on our GitHub page. The more information you offer, the easier it becomes for us to grasp your requirements and prioritize accordingly.
  • Make sure to fill all the (required) fields
  • When you're finished, click Submit new issue

Thanks! Once you submit your feature idea on our GitHub page, our team will carefully evaluate it alongside similar proposals. By collaborating with fellow users, you might find that your concept gains increased traction and potential for implementation.

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