Generate CSVĀ Import Files for Shelf

Create a CSV Import File Quickly

Use our mini-tool to define your custom fields, get a import ready CSV file and start managing your assets with Shelf.

How to use the CSVĀ helper tool

Generate properly formatted CSV headers for importing assets into Shelf.

Quick Steps

> Required fields are added automatically - title is mandatory but include all columns
> Enable imageUrl to add images to your assets
> Add custom fields for additional data you want to track
> Toggle table view to preview how your spreadsheet should look
> Download template or copy headers to create your import file

Custom Fields Support
> Text: Serial numbers, brand names
> Date: Purchase dates, warranty expiration (yyyy-mm-dd)
> Boolean: Audit status, availability (yes/no)
> Option: Predefined choices (e.g., conditions, departments)
> Multiline: Detailed notes, specifications

šŸ’” Pro tip: Download the template with sample data to see example formatting for each field type.